Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I've been writing. Obviously. Well, maybe not so obviously when you consider the rest of my life. Along with the writing, I've been promoting my book, Rebellion on Piza 7, my husband's play, which is almost over, and sending out queries on the fantasy I finished.

Plus, as my funds are limited like almost everyone I know, I've been trying to win books that are new releases or part of a series. For research, don't you know. Have to know what's on the market, it is a happy bonus that I like to read as well. ;)

So, although my word count is under 2k yesterday, and so far today, I have gotten things accomplished that are necessary.

And in case there is still any question, I do not have a PR manager, or any other type of manager or marketing person. It's just me. LOL I'm trying to get my husband to be the manager, you know, like Laurel K Hamilton's is hers, but so far, not happening. Maybe when I get a few more titles under my belt...

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